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Carrier tape mold

Time:2024-10-06 Views:52
The Importance of Carrier Tape Mold in Production: 
The significant role of carrier tape molds in industrial production makes the design of carrier tape molds the fundamental process equipment for industrial production. The mold industry is an crucial component of the machinery industry and high-tech industries. 
At present, the technology of carrier tape molding has become one of the vital indicators of the level of product manufacturing in a country, and is an essential equipment industry. The molding industry for carrier tapes directly serves the industrialization of high-tech products, and the molding industry itself adopts a large number of high-tech technologies, such as new processes, new materials, advanced manufacturing technologies and equipment, etc. The molding industry has become an integral part of the high-tech industry, and the industrialization of high-tech cannot be separated from molding technology. The improvement of molding technology cannot be achieved without the industrialization of high-tech. 
As the basic process equipment for industrial production, the carrier tape mold, with its high precision, high complexity, high consistency, high production efficiency, and low energy and material consumption, is incomparable with general mechanical processing and is increasingly being recognized by various industrial departments of the state. Abroad, the carrier tape mold is referred to as the "golden key", the "emperor of metal processing", and the "driving force for entering the affluent society".
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